
LEXIPHANIC: Word of the Day #9 - November 3, 2005

lexiphanic (adj.)

Pronunciation: lex-ê-'fahn-ik

Definition: Employing pretentious words; using overblown language in speech or writing.

Oh, I don't know anyone like that.

There are many synonyms you could also use for this; or, if you look at it another way, this is one more synonym for you to use for words you may already know. Pompous, bombastic, ostentatious, obfusticated, etc. I suppose if you subscribe to my word of the day, you may be hearing these words pretty soon. Lexiphanic has a kinder sound to it than bombastic or ostentatious. Today's word is a heavy reminder that one's love for language may often put him at odds with those around. A lexicon laden with $5 words when a 10 cent word will do often will just confuse and not impress. They won't care that the word went trippingly off your tounge as you pronunciated orotundly, or whispered susurrously, or employed syzygy with the word "ever." 'Tis a mad mad mad mad mad world. 'Tis an unweeded garden grown to seed.

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