

So last night, after my play (a subject requiring its own journaling), I finally met Ellen's father.

My first impression: it's after ten o'clock and I need to pick up some instant coffee for him (we have no coffee maker) and I scour the aisles at Walmart and they DO NOT HAVE INSTANT COFFEE . I still don't understand it. But in my naivete, I try to find some anyway. I get ground coffee, stupidly thinking it could, in some way, be instant (note: it cannot). I show up, 11 o'clock - everyone's tired - makeup on, ground coffee in hand and I shake hands. Wonderful. We make a midnight instant coffee run and come back.

I'm mainly joking, because I think I made a good impression. He likes my beer, my books, the general cut of my jib. Instant coffee mishap aside, I think we'll get along swell. I have the rest of the weekend to continue the impression. Here's to hoping.

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