
OROTUND: Word of the Day #2 - October 27, 2005

Orotund (adj.)

Pronunciation: ('or-ê-tênd)

Definition: (1) Clearly and elegantly articulated (speech), sonorous, full of deep, rounded sounds; (2) bombastic, pompous.

Originally, our word was used specifically to relate to clear and articulate speech, with round Os and thunderously rolling Rs, but that was quickly associated with stage actors and orators and we know how pompous they are (Out-ah, out-ah, brrrrrieeef cAn-dal!). Go ahead, speak orotundly (adv.) today. Speak your words with orotundity (n.).

Today's word is most certainly related to "rotund" and "rotunda," both coming from the Latin word "rotundo," meaning "round." It is also related to "oral" and "oreo" (though not nearly as closely; ok, I'm really stretching on that one), coming from ore, meaning "with the mouth." In fact, it specifically comes from the Latin phrase ore rotundo: "with a round mouth."

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